McAuley Sixth Form » Subjects » Spanish
New Specification What does this mean?
Why choose AQA A Level Spanish?
As the world’s third most spoken language after Mandarin Chinese and English, Spanish is spoken by nearly half a billion people. It is the second most used language in international communication and an official language of the UN and its organizations. Spanish is becoming increasingly important in terms of the global economy with emerging markets in Central and South America. The cultural aspect of learning Spanish is particularly rich, with its influence in areas such as literature, art and cinema.
Back to topWhat will I study in Year 12 Spanish?
Aspects of Hispanic society: current trends
• Los valores tradicionales y modernos
• El ciberespacio
• La igualdad de los sexos
Artistic culture in the Hispanic world
• La influencia de los ídolos
• La identidad regional en España
• El patrimonio cultural
Dosier de cine
• Study of a Spanish language film
What will I study in Year 13 Spanish?
Multiculturalism in Hispanic society
• La inmigración
• El racismo
• La convivencia
Aspects of political life in the Hispanic world
• Jóvenes de hoy, ciudadanos del mañana
• Monarquías y dictaduras
• Los movimientos populares
Dosier de literatura
• Study of a Spanish language book
Individual Research Project (to be used in the final speaking examination)
Back to topHow I will be assessed
There are three examinations in all:
Paper 1: Listening, reading and writing
Weighting 50% of the total mark
Paper 2: Writing
Weighting 20% of the total mark
Paper 3: Speaking
Weighting 30% of the total mark
How will I learn?
You will learn through opportunities to:
• read about a range of contemporary topics, both in the classroom and independently
• listen to authentic recordings based around contemporary topics
• regularly learn vocabulary through the online program Vocab Express
• develop the appropriate skills to be able to write essays in Spanish
• gain in-depth grammatical knowledge
Related Degrees
Spanish can be studied as a single degree course or combined with virtually any other subject. A number of our former students have gone on to study languages at degree level, often at Russell Group universities and usually in conjunction with other languages, including Portuguese, Russian and Dutch. Anyone choosing to study Spanish at degree level would normally be expected to spend up to a year living and working or studying in a Spanish-speaking country.
Back to topRelated Careers
A knowledge of one or more foreign languages can be useful in a wide range of careers. For some jobs such as translating, interpreting, lecturing and teaching, language skills are essential. In other professions, including IT, law, finance, journalism and sales the ability to communicate in another language is a major advantage.
Back to topFurther Course Information
All students are provided with access to the Kerboodle online course and resources which include a range of listening and reading opportunities and assessment practice. Regular homework is a key part of the A level course while independent study is strongly encouraged so that students can remain up to date with current affairs and the culture of the Spanish-speaking world.
Interested in taking another Language such as Arabic, Polish, Chinese, Turkish, Russian etc?
We have a long and very successful track record at McAuley of students achieving A Level and GCSE qualifications in alternative languages such as Arabic, Chinese (Cantonese or Mandarin), Polish and Turkish. Although we are not always in a position to offer specific tuition, we can investigate the options available to anyone who has good writing and reading skills in a particular language. A wide range of A Level languages is available. Please speak to a member of the Modern Foreign Languages department or email if you would like to find out how to make the most of your language skills.
Interested in studying a language, but either not necessarily to the depth required at A Level or with a practical element linked to business?
Our new Accreditation in Languages for Business course may be just the thing for you. Please visit the dedicated section of the website entitled ‘Other Language Qualifications’ for more information.
We are officially an International School!
McAuley was recently awarded the British Council’s prestigious International School Award for the breadth and variety of our work with other schools across the globe. This is an area which we are developing further and we are always on the lookout for new ideas and suggestions. Come and join us!