McAuley Sixth Form » Subjects » Dance
New Specification What does this mean?
* Dance is being offered in light of interest shown by Year 11 students and will run subject to application numbers.

- Dance. A selection of dance performances from our talented dancers at McAuley!
- Dance. A selection of performances from our talented dancers at McAuley!
- Dance. A selection of dance performances from our talented dancers at McAuley!
- Dance. A selection of performances from our talented dancers at McAuley!
- Dance. A selection of dance performances from our talented dancers at McAuley!
- Dance. A selection of performances from our talented dancers at McAuley!
- Dance. A selection of dance performances from our talented dancers at McAuley!
- Dance. A selection of performances from our talented dancers at McAuley!
- Dance. A selection of performances from our talented dancers at McAuley!
- Dance. A selection of performances from our talented dancers at McAuley!
- Dance. A selection of performances from our talented dancers at McAuley!
- Dance. A selection of performances from our talented dancers at McAuley!
- Dance. A selection of performances from our talented dancers at McAuley!
- Dance. A selection of performances from our talented dancers at McAuley!
- Dance. A selection of performances from our talented dancers at McAuley!
Why choose Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Dance?
For students planning on studying dance at higher education level, this course offers a brilliant introduction to the practical and theoretical skills that they will go on to develop. The course encourages students to develop their creative and intellectual capacity, alongside transferable skills such as team working, communication and problem solving. All of these are sought after skills by higher education and employers and will help them stand out in the workplace whatever their choice of career.
Back to topWhat I will learn in Year 12 Dance
Unit 1: Investigating practitioners
Students will learn about a range of dance practitioners and companies through theatre trips, in workshops and by working on suitable dance repertoire. They will then write about what they have learnt in controlled assessment conditions.
Unit 2: Developing skills and techniques for live performance
Students will develop a wide range of dance skills through practical workshops and through a variety of performances. They will track this development through a coursework portfolio kept throughout the year.
How I will be assessed in BTEC Level 3 Extended Certificate Dance.
Unit 1: Externally assessed
Unit 2: Internally assessed and moderated
Back to topWhat I will learn in Year 13 Dance
Unit 3: Group performance workshop
Students will work in groups to develop a piece of choreography in response to a stimulus provided by the exam board. They will rehearse and perform the piece to an audience and produce a digital log to support the process and performance.
One further unit from a choice of optional units to include understanding, development of dance skills and a performance. The performance will be assessed along with a portfolio evidencing the process and evaluating the final piece. The chosen unit will be selected based on candidates opting for the course.
Back to topHow I will be assessed in Year 13 Dance.
Unit 3: Externally assessed
Optional unit: Internally assessed and moderated
Interesting ways in which I will learn Dance
You will learn through opportunities to:
• Work independently and as part of a team to create and perform dance for an audience
• Develop your dance skills through lessons and workshops
• Perform high quality dance pieces to live audiences
• Attend workshops to develop skills and knowledge of dance
• Gain in depth understanding of the dance industry through research, practice and work experience
• Work in a vocational context using superb facilities and resources
Related Degrees
Dance, Performing Arts, Musical Theatre, Drama any degree course which requires well-developed teamwork, communication, creativity, independence.
Back to topRelated Careers
This course is ideal experience for anyone wanting to pursue a career in any aspect of dance, performing arts or for anyone intending to continue to a degree course in any area of the arts. Any career which requires organisational, communication or creative skills would be a good progression route.
Back to topFurther Course Information
As part of your course, you will take part in a range of dance performances and workshops. There are regular opportunities to go on theatre visits and to get involved in school productions.
You will have the opportunity to function as a professional dance company. This will include taking part in at least four performances and developing an understanding and a range of dance skills. This is an ideal course for any student with an interest in any aspect of the dance and performing arts. There is a voluntary after school coursework club with targeted staff support associated with this course.
Extra Curricular Opportunities in Dance
As part of your course, you will take part in a range of dance performances and workshops. There are regular opportunities to go on theatre visits, participate in workshops with professionals, contribute to school productions and dance shows as a performer, choreographer and/or dance captain.
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