McAuley Sixth Form » Subjects » Politics
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- Economics and Politics Trip. Students enjoyed a talk at the Bank of England and went on to listen in to a debate at the Houses of Parliament.
- Economics and Politics Trip. Students enjoyed a talk at the Bank of England and went on to listen in to a debate at the Houses of Parliament.
- ..
- Government rally.
Why choose AQA A Level Politics?
Politics are focused on the big questions that shape our everyday lives and the nation we live in. Brexit, the rise of populism under Trump, the downfall of the Corbyn era Labour party and the rise of the far-right in Europe – how did we get here? Who runs the country, and how? What is Parliament?
If you’ve ever wondered any of the above questions then A level Politics is for you. All these topics will be covered (and more). Covering news and current affairs from the UK and US, it helps you understand how the UK and US are run and develops research, written communication and debate skills. It also helps grow your confidence as you debate, question, challenge these topics. Topics are clearly and logically structured and include:
- Government and politics of the UK
- The Government and politics of the USA
- Comparative politics the three traditional ideologies of
- Liberalism, Conservatism and Socialism
- plus one of either: feminism, nationalism, multiculturalism, ecologism or anarchism
What I will learn in Year 12 Politics
We focus on examining the core political ideas of Liberalism, Socialism and Conservatism. We also then examine a non-core topic of Feminism. These look to how the ideas of politics have changed over time.
Once this is done we then typically focus on examining the UK topics where we examine the Government of the UK followed by the political system of the UK.
Back to topWhat I will learn in Year 13 Politics
We typically finish our Year 12 topics and then move onto looking at the US System of government and politics. This allows us to compare the UK system to the very different political world of the US system.
Back to topHow I will be assessed
100% exam split over three papers; UK, US and Comparative Politics and Political ideas. Three end of course exams using a mixture of medium length ‘explain’ and essay style questions.
Back to topInteresting ways in which I will learn Politics
You will learn through opportunities to debate, undertake individual and group tasks and also undertake master classes through the use of student conferences or guest speakers.
Back to topRelated Degrees
Politics, Philosophy and Economics, Government, Law and International Relations. We have a significant number of students who have gone on to study Politics and similar degrees.
Back to topRelated Careers
Politics (one ex-student became a government minister doing the course!), the Civil Service, working in a ‘think tank’, Teaching, Law, Philosophy and Economics, International Relations, Strategic Studies, History, working for a non-governmental organisation, working for a multi-national organisation (NATO, UN etc)
Back to topFurther Course Information
Feel free to contact Mr McDonald
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