McAuley Sixth Form » Subjects » Digital Games Development
Digital Games Development
New Specification What does this mean?
* This would be a new vocational qualification introduced for September 2021 entry. It will be offered provided there is sufficient interest.

Why choose Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Digital Games Development?
All BTEC courses focus on skills-based learning as well as supporting learners to develop a strong knowledge and understanding of core themes related to their chosen subject. Rather than testing everything together at the end of a two year course like most A-Level courses, BTECs are tested throughout the course through assessments based on real-life scenarios related to the subject opted to study. This applied approach to learning allows BTEC learners to develop and apply the knowledge and skills that employers and universities are looking for.
Back to topEquivalence
The Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Digital Games Development is equivalent to one full A Level. It is a fully accredited Level 3 vocational qualification that does attract UCAS tarrif points. Please read the guidance document for more information about the difference between vocational and traditional A levels, university acceptance etc.
You should always check the entry requirements for specific degree programmes with higher education providers.
Back to topWhat will I learn and how will it be assessed?
There are two mandatory units, which cover the following aspects of digital games production:
• digital games production
• digital media skills.
In addition to the mandatory content, learners take three optional units, from a choice of nine. Optional units will introduce learners to sector specialist areas, including working in particular environments, and will link with relevant technical roles. The optional units cover areas such as:
• animation
• concept art
• 3D modelling and environment games engine scripting
• games testing.
Related Careers
This qualification has been designed to support progression to a range of employment opportunities in digital games production, and to a range of higher education courses. While taking this qualification, it is expected that learners will engage with sector employers as part of their course, where they will be given opportunities to develop practical skills in preparation for employment.
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