McAuley Sixth Form » Subjects » Film Studies
Film Studies
New Specification What does this mean?
We plan to reintroduce this subject for September 2024 entry. It will continue to be offered provided there is sufficient interest.

Why choose Eduqas A Level Film Studies?
In this subject you will gain a deeper understanding, appreciation and enjoyment of film. Film was the major art form of the twentieth century and it is a cultural form that is still of great significance at the beginning of the new millennium.
This course will appeal to students who have an interest in film generally and would enjoy the challenge of writing research papers, film scripts and storyboards, enjoy self-directed learning, working on their own initiative and engaging actively in the analysis of film.
Summary of Assessment
Component 1: American and British film
Written examination: 3 hours 35% of qualification
This component assesses knowledge and understanding of six feature-length films.
Section A: Classical Hollywood: One question from a choice of two, requiring reference to one US Hollywood Studio film.
Section B: Hollywood since the 1960s (two-film study) One question from a choice of two, requiring reference to two American films, one produced between 1961 and 1990 and the other more recent.
Section C: Contemporary American independent film One question from a choice of two, requiring reference to one American independent film.
Section D: British film (comparative study) One question from a choice of two, requiring a comparison of two British films, one produced between 1930 and 1960 and the other more recent.
Component 2: Varieties of film
Written examination: 3 hours 35% of qualification
This component assesses knowledge and understanding of five feature-length films and one compilation of short films.
Section A: Film movements (two-film study) One question from a choice of two, requiring reference to at least one film from the silent era.
Section B: Documentary film One question from a choice of two, requiring reference to one documentary film.
Section C: Global film (two-film study) One question from a choice of two, requiring reference to two global films, one European and one produced outside Europe.
Section D: Short film One question from a choice of two, requiring reference to a compilation of short films.
Component 3: Production Non-exam assessment
30% of qualification
This component assesses one production and its evaluative analysis. Learners produce:
- either a short film (4-5 minutes) or a screenplay for a short film (1600-1800 words) and a digitally photographed storyboard of a key section from the screenplay
- an evaluative analysis (1250-1500 words).
How will I learn?
You will learn through opportunities to:
- analyse of a variety of film texts
- make/script your own films
- debate in group/whole class issues and ideas to do with cinema
Related Degrees
Film/TV Production, Film Studies, Media Studies, Journalism
Back to topRelated Careers
AS/A2 Level Film Studies provides a strong basis for progression to undergraduate’s studies in film theory, film criticism and film history. It combines well with subjects such as English, Sociology, History and the Performing Arts and is a good preparation for academic or vocational degree courses. A number of previous students have gone on to have successful careers in film and television as well as publishing.
Back to topFurther Course Information
Berlin Trip – in conjunction with the History and Sociology departments, Film Studies runs a week-long trip to the capital of Germany. Whilst there we visit the Berlin Film Museum, Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp and the German Parliament, the Reichstag. The trip is designed to enhance Film Studies at A Level as one of the components studied is German cinema.
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