McAuley Sixth Form » Subjects » Further Mathematics
Further Mathematics
New Specification What does this mean?

- A level Maths UKMT quiz team. Fantastic A level students representing McAuley in the UKMT Senior Team Challenge.
- Maths Olympiad for Girls. September saw the Maths Olympiad for Girls. A highly demanding maths challenge and 7 of our A Level students worked hard over the 2.5 hours on the problems.
- Mr J Tibbitts. Course Leader
Why choose AQA A Level Further Mathematics?
This course is well suited to students who:
- enjoyed and had a real aptitude for GCSE top set mathematics;
- want to deepen their knowledge and understanding of the subject;
- like a challenge – the course is very demanding; it takes you beyond the concepts covered in the mainstream A-level mathematics course that you must also take;
- are interested in studying mathematics at university (or another subject that includes a significant amount of mathematics).
What will I learn in Year 12 and how will it be assessed?
Paper One - 90 minutes, 80 marks, 50% of assessment
Pure Maths including complex numbers, functions, calculus, vectors, polar coordinates and hyperbolic functions.
Paper Two - 90 minutes, 80 marks, 50% of assessment
Two topic areas, normally Mechanics and Statistics, from:
- Mechanics (including momentum, power and circular motion)
- Statistics (including discrete random variables, continuous random variables, the Poisson distribution and chi tests)
- Discrete (including graphs, network flows, linear programming, critical path analysis, game theory and binary operations)
The course is designed so those wishing to take it as an AS only can do so, either in Year 12 or Year 13.
Back to topWhat will I learn in Year 13 Mathematics and how will it be assessed?
Paper One - 120 minutes, 100 marks, one third of assessment
Pure Maths including complex numbers, matrices, functions, calculus, vectors, polar coordinates, hyperbolic functions, differential equations and trigonometry.
Paper Two - 120 minutes, 100 marks, one third of assessment
Pure Maths including complex numbers, matrices, functions, calculus, vectors, polar coordinates, hyperbolic functions, differential equations and trigonometry.
Paper Three - 120 minutes, 100 marks, one third of assessment
Two topic areas, normally Mechanics and Statistics, from:
- Mechanics (including momentum, power, circular motion, centre of mass and moments)
- Statistics (including discrete random variables, continuous random variables, the Poisson and exponential distributions and chi tests)
- Discrete (including graphs, network flows, linear programming, critical path analysis, game theory, binary operations and group theory)
This is a ‘new specification’ subject. The overall result for each student completing this course to full A level standard will be based on the final Year 13 A level examinations only. Please visit the FAQs for more information on new specifications, their UCAS tariff points and their ‘decoupling’ of AS/A2 grades.
Back to topHow will I learn?
You will learn through:
- investigations as well as teacher-led exposition;
- use of graphical calculators and software packages, e.g. Desmos;
- online support material, e.g. MyMaths and the Further Maths Support Network;
- independent learning and research;
- participating in maths competitions, masterclasses, university outreach events;
- teaching others in group work; reading around the subject and making use of the school’s maths library.
Related Degrees
If you intend to study degree level Mathematics at Cambridge, Oxford, Warwick, Bath or another leading university then we would strongly advise you to study Further Mathematics. If you are planning to take a maths-related degree in a subject such as Physics, Engineering, Actuarial Studies or a joint honours degree with Mathematics in the title, then studying Further Mathematics will ease the transition into the first year of your course.
University of Sheffield: From September 2019, if we offer you a place on certain courses with an A Level Maths requirement and you’re taking AS or A Level Further Maths, we’ll make you an alternative offer equivalent to one A Level grade below the standard entry requirements, subject to you achieving a specific grade in Further Maths.
Related Careers
The number of people working in jobs where mathematical sciences qualifications are essential continues to rise. The median salary for mathematical sciences graduates is consistently higher than average.
Potential employers include Rolls-Royce (aerospace), Pirelli (automotive), Bank of England (financial services), PricewaterhouseCoopers (accountancy), Du Pont (chemicals), AMEC (engineering), GCHQ (government), Microsoft (IT) and GlaxoSmithKline (pharmaceuticals).
Back to topFurther Course Information
Students wishing to study Mathematics at Cambridge, Warwick or Bath Universities should be aware that they will need to sit an extra Mathematics examination (STEP) at the end of Year 13. This will involve more demanding problem solving skills (but no new knowledge). In preparation for this, students will need to attend extra-curricular sessions. You will also be advised to undertake wider reading and attend Advanced Maths Support Group meetings at The University of Sheffield or elsewhere.
Further Maths students are expected to represent the school at regional maths events such as the UKMT Senior Team Challenge and Sheffield Hallam University Pop Maths Quiz.
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